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en:links [2020/02/20 21:01]
Vít Hrachový
en:links [2021/02/18 19:45] (current)
Vít Hrachový
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   * [[|Greg Lindahl's page with all info about Cantigas]]   * [[|Greg Lindahl's page with all info about Cantigas]]
   * [[|Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers - the best text transcriptions]]   * [[|Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers - the best text transcriptions]]
-  * [[|Musical instruments depicted in Cantigas]]+  * [[|Musical instruments depicted in Cantigas]]
   * [[|Wiki:Transcribed cantiga texts, many errors, but easy to copy and copyright claimed CC-by-SA 3.0]]   * [[|Wiki:Transcribed cantiga texts, many errors, but easy to copy and copyright claimed CC-by-SA 3.0]]
   * [[|CSM illuminations]]   * [[|CSM illuminations]]
en/links.1582228902.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/20 21:01 by Vít Hrachový