roof tile, window, jug, ear, spout, chalice, wide, stool, leg, wrap, gaming desk, dice, capiello redondo, coif, transparent, hood, redondel, fur, squirrel fur, hem, gilded, pellote with sleeves, saya, button, hose, hair curls, beard, hair combed behind ear,

Costume layering data made by doc. Ing. Martina Hřibová, Ph.D., Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta technologická, Czech Republic.

folio.figurepersongendersocial statusreligiontopcoatliningfursleevecolormiddle layerlower layerundergarmentsheaddresshoseshoesaccessoriesdetails
84v.1male?christiancapa con abertura??long sleeve?pellotesaya?transparent cofia, capiello redondo, capiroteblackblackcufflinks on the sleeve of saya
84v.2male?christianredondel??long sleeve?pellotesaya?transparent cofia, capiello redondo, capirotered?

