carpet, fringe, stool, stripe, cushion, square, backgammon board, game token, dice, cloak, cloak fastener band, lining, saya, encordada, hose, pellote without sleeves, hem, decorated, fur,

Costume layering data made by doc. Ing. Martina Hřibová, Ph.D., Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta technologická, Czech Republic.

folio.figurepersongendersocial statusreligiontopcoatliningfursleevecolormiddle layerlower layerundergarmentsheaddresshoseshoesaccessoriesdetails
76v.1male?christiancapa con cuerdas--long sleevewhite-saya encordadacamisa corta-red?
76v.2male?christiancapa??-transparentpellote en cuerpo-gilala-??camisa lacing on the back and wrists
