roof tile, tower, marble, bench, lathe, instrument?, backgammon board, saya, hose, turnshoe, curled fringe, straight fringe, hair over ear, clean shaven face, beard, barefoot, pouch, fringe, cross stitch embroidery,

Costume layering data made by doc. Ing. Martina Hřibová, Ph.D., Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta technologická, Czech Republic.

folio.figurepersongendersocial statusreligiontopcoatliningfursleevecolormiddle layerlower layerundergarmentsheaddresshoseshoesaccessoriesdetails
73r.1artisan - wood turnermale?christian---long sleeve?-saya?-redblackpurse under the illumination
73r.2artisan - woodcarvermale?christian---long sleeve?-saya?-redblackbrown lining of saya
