garden, cypress, orange tree, palm tree, roof tile, gaming desk, dice, coin, pouch, garnacha with two cuts in front, saya, pellote without sleeves, hem, decorated, fur, pellote with sleeves, gilded, hose, cloak, lining, pointed hat, clean shaven face, moustache, beard strip on the lower jaw, hair curls, straight fringe, hair combed behind ear, hair over ear,

Costume layering data made by doc. Ing. Martina Hřibová, Ph.D., Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta technologická, Czech Republic.

folio.figurepersongendersocial statusreligiontopcoatliningfursleevecolormiddle layerlower layerundergarmentsheaddresshoseshoesaccessoriesdetails
71v.1male?christiangarnacha--long sleeve?-saya?-?blackstejný svrchník jako 65v.3
71v.2male?christian-?edge-transparentpellote en cuerpo-camisa corta-blackblackbelt
71v.4male?christian-red?long sleeve?aljubasaya?-red?purse on the gaming desk
71v.5male?jewcapa--long sleeve?-saya?pointed hat?black
71v.6male?jew???????????fastening on the side of neck
71v.8male?jew-??long sleeve?aljubasaya?pointed hat?black

