gaming desk, dice, transparent, coif, hood, noble hat, female dress, veil, cloak, saya, encordada, button, pellote with sleeves, pellote without sleeves, hem, decorated, fur, garnacha with narrow half-sewn sleeves, lining, hose, turnshoe, belt, moustache, straight fringe, curled fringe, hair combed behind ear, hair curls, beard strip on the lower jaw, clean shaven face,

Costume layering data made by doc. Ing. Martina Hřibová, Ph.D., Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta technologická, Czech Republic.

folio.figurepersongendersocial statusreligiontopcoatliningfursleevecolormiddle layerlower layerundergarmentsheaddresshoseshoesaccessoriesdetails
70r.1male?christiangarnacha--long sleeve?-saya?cofiaredblackrow of cufflinks on the sleeve of saya
70r.2male?christiangarnacha--long sleeve?-saya?transparent cofia, capirote on the neckblackblackrow of cufflinks on the sleeve of saya
70r.3male?christian????????capirote šedá??
70r.4male?christiancapa-edge-transparentpellote en cuerpo-camisa cortacapiello de los caballeroshnědáblack
70r.6male?christian---long sleeve?-saya encordadacamisa corta-redcan't see sole, might be just hose without integrated solebelt, dagger
