Huesca, Salas, Spain, don Fernando de Aragón, abbot, Monte-Aragón, king, don Jaime I. the Conqueror, bell, glass lamp, altar, altar textile, statue, polychromy, monk, cowl, black cowl, tonsure, clean shaven face, paper, biretta, noble hat, hair curls, beard strip on the lower jaw, moustache, hose, turnshoe, pellote with sleeves, saya, cloak, saya encordada, belt, dagger, straight fringe, hair curls, exterier, tree, grass, coffin, ear dagger, shackles, arrest, horse, bridle, bit shank, reins, breastcollar, pendant, stirrup, bishop, mitra, rope, candle, female dress, fillet, stripe, barbette,

text in the "Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers" project