Rocamadour, Toulouse, France, knight, jail, gaol, stocks, chain, irons, exterier, rampart, tower, gate, knocker, flower, coif, beard, curled fringe, hair curls, saya, barefoot, cord of coif, Virgin Mary, angel, crown, cloak, pellote with sleeves, veil, transparent, hair parted in the middle, long beard, coif, garnacha with funnel shaped sleeves, garnacha with narrow half-sewn sleeves, hood, button, horse, bridle, bit shank, reins, breastcollar, stirrup, spur, chain mail, mail coif, aventail, perpunto, iron hat, spear, triangular banner - pennon, shield, shield guige, turned down mail coif, chain hose, oak, tree, hose, turnshoe, altar, altar textile, statue, polychromy, candlestick, candle, monk, tonsure, black cowl, clean shaven face,

text in the "Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers" project