Elche, Alicante, Spain, town, rampart, water moat, tower, exterier, flower, grass, palm tree, spear, triangular banner, rectangular banner, royal banner, Kufic script, shield, crossbow, hook on the belt, stirrup, belt, footwraps, turnshoe, saya, conical hat, untreated hair, hair curls, straight fringe, shield guige, perpunto, mail coif, wrap, blanket, cushion, crossbow dart, curled fringe, high female hat, toca, barbette, female dress, pellote without sleeves, button, garnacha with funnel shaped sleeves, healer, pliers, camisa, bed, turned wood, bed frame detail, crossbow detail, bandage, coif, pellote with sleeves, glass lamp, cloak, hood, hose, altar, altar textile, statue, polychromy, hem, decorated, priest, tonsure, angel, Virgin Mary,

text in the "Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers" project
