Merlin, Scotland, window, stall, door, knocker, pharmacy, pharmacist, Jew, Cayphas, pharmacist, painted ceramics, albarello, bag for urinal, book, round had from eight parts, beard, beard strip on the lower jaw, coif, cloak, tabardo, pellote with sleeves, biretta, hose, turnshoe, embroidery, table cloth, fringe, curtain, rod, hole, bed, wrap, blanket, cushion, female dress, wimple, veil, barbette, fillet, saya, giving birth, newborn baby, hem, decorated, garnacha with funnel shaped sleeves, garnacha with narrow half-sewn sleeves, button, hood, pellote without sleeves, belt, glass lamp, decorated lamp, chain, take down mechanism, clean shaven face, curled fringe, baptistery, altar, altar textile, statue, polychromy, ceramic, two handles, jug, amphora, wide barbette, priest, tonsure, chasuble, alb, dress clasp, hair curls,

text in the "Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers" project

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